The Princess’s Health: a Reason for Concern?

Last week the news arrived that the Princess of Wales was admitted to hospital for a planned abdominal surgery. According to the official announcement, after the operation, she would spend in hospital about two weeks and then she would be convalescing at home until Easter. This enigmatic message of the Kensington Palace spokesperson’s office immediately gave rise to increasingly dramatic media speculations about the nature of the surgery and the reasons for such a lengthy hospital treatment and recuperation time.

Whatever the reasons for the operation, this event together with the information that the King is also to undergo a minor procedure to reduce an overgrown prostate, constitute an unprecedented event in which medical facts about the royal family are disclosed to the public. It is said that in informing the media about his condition, the King intended to raise awareness among elderly men about prostate cancer and the need for regular medical check-ups. On the other hand, Princess Kate’s matter is entirely different. Here the PR advisers are trying to contain the situation by publishing first what they consider appropriate and requesting the public to respect the Princess’s privacy in view of her condition and her young children.

This new “open policy” is probably due to the change of the monarch and King Charles’s efforts to modernize the hundred-year-old institution. Better relationships with the media and attempts to control the information flow about the royal family seem to be the top priority of the communication officers and the royal family. However, those efforts are running up against the mounting concerns of the public about the Princess’s health.
The media stress the robust health of the Princess pointing at how physically fit, sporty and slim she was before the operation. In the numerous accounts of the time leading to the past week revelations, she was described as: “in perfect health,” “in good shape,” ”as fit as a fiddle,” “in fine fettle,” “in the pink,” and “hale and hearty.”

Therefore, the news of the Princess being taken ill was received like a bolt from the blue. At present, a few days after the operation, everyone is hoping that she is already out of the woods and off the danger list, responding to treatment, and making progress. The public is anxiously waiting to hear the doctors announcing that the beloved Princess is on the mend, and from now on, it will be just a speedy recovery and she will be as right as rain in no time. It is reported that Prince William is making regular visits to the hospital where the Princess is recovering from the operation while part of his official duties are being suspended or performed by other members of the royal family.

We all wish Princess Kate to get better soon! A speedy recovery!

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Image by macrovector on Freepik


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