Blue Monday? Think again!

It seems that today is Blue Monday.

I don’t quite get it and every year I’m taken aback by the extent to which in our Polish reality all this Anglosaxon or (maybe exclusively American concepts?) have taken off. Be it as it may, the consumer society is here to stay so all companies are trying to jump on the bandwagon and sell more. As everybody knows the easiest way to boosts one’s spirits, cheer themselves up, bounce back or revive from the winter blues is simply to buy something nice, treat yourself to a bit of luxury or travel to an exotic location.

And precisely that was the intention of Cliff Arnall, a British psychologist, who in 2005 commissioned by Sky Travel, invented the theory of the Blue Monday to encourage downcast Brits to buy holidays abroad. Using a pseudo-scientific method of combining psychological, economic and weather factors Arnall created a theory that has taken a lasting hold on the mass culture not only in the UK but also in Poland and all over the world. Despite being refuted by experts and the author himself, the theory keeps being employed by businesses as an effective marketing ploy to tout tech, DIY products and wellness goods.

Experts have also pointed out the harmful effect the concept of the Blue Monday exerts on the general perception of the mental illness itself, depression, by trivializing it and reducing it to a simple whimsical condition, which lasts only one day in the year and can be taken care of by indulging oneself in mindless shopping. While at the same time, there are people who suffer from low mood and anxiety for months during autumn and winter due to lack of sunlight and whose ancestors might have been affected by the ailment as well. Thus, depression could run in the genes, giving among others such physical symptoms as losing or gaining weight, a lack of energy and insomnia.

Depression is something different than the passing feeling down, blue, dejected, gloomy, despondent, down in the dumps, in the blue funk, or under the weather. And no amount of cheering up will make you feel good high, elated, joyful, bubbly, in high spirits, on cloud nine, walking on air, full of beans, without a care in the world or in seventh heaven. Depression can hit anytime regardless of the time of year and the third Monday of the New Year is no exception. Next time somebody tries to bring you down on this day think again!!!!!! Don’t fall for it!!!!


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